Stuff I'll miss in Japan

I have a splitting headache right now -- and I'll try to check if by blogging away I can get rid of it. As I mention over and over and over again -- I will be homeward bound in less than 7 days. Amidst all this excitement, I'll have to admit there are stuff here in Japan that will be missed.

The first thing that came across my mind is the -- shower toilet. We don't have this back home. Almost everywhere whenever you go in a western toilet -- at almost 99% -- it's bound to be a shower toilet -- even in public toilets. Personally, I love the comfortability it offers and how it makes the sentence -- "I wipe my own ass." -- lighter.

The second thing will probably be -- ramen. I love ramen! We have this back home but the taste is far from how it taste here. I personally love Ichiran's ramen -- one of the best I've tasted -- so far that is.

The third thing will be the subways and trains -- I got used to its straightforwardness. Wait for a train or subway -- board -- get off at the desired station -- and do your business. It's almost always the same route back maybe even the same train. I haven't been to Tokyo station yet -- and judging by the way they describe its vastness -- I'd probably have a second thought about trains and subways.

And last but definitely not the least -- the legs -- one of the benefits of coming here during the summer. Always every lady here wear either shorts, short shorts and skimpy shorts. Some wear the casual jeans and "flood" (not sure about the term I'm not a fashion guru) -- they look good too. Sometimes though, it is advisable to just let your eyeballs stay on the legs and not look up. It does not necessarily mean that if their legs look good so will their faces. In fairness, I'd say about 70% of the time -- dont' be afraid to just look up.

I will probably be adding some other stuff later -- this is it for now.

Surprisingly, my headache mellowed down. At last, no more pain.

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