There I was -- on the other side of the ticket booth -- there was nothing I can do but just watch. At that point, I was really worrying about my luggage. Although, I did tell the security guard posted there to watch over it -- but -- who would know if he would make a run with it.
I was really tempted to demand that my ticket be printed in haste -- but -- it was my own actions (I wasn't really sure how though) that led to this predicament -- so -- I just had to wait until they finish -- and -- hopefully -- I would make in time and not have to swim all the way to work. At last, after around 15-20 minutes later -- they finally made a print-out. They printed out the whole window view with all the details that will prove that should board the vessel.
But, that wasn't the end -- it has to be authenticated, approved and signed by the manager present at that scheduled trip. We still need to locate that manager. Fortunately, where I thought my luck was really going downstream -- the manager was right there at the scanning area. He did his thing -- explanations were not anymore necessary because -- apparently -- all the employees where already informed of the situation which all the more added to the already battered shame.
I went straight to the shuttle boarding area -- boarded a shuttle -- and I was glad to see that my luggage was still right on the spot where I left it -- and beside it was the guard. I said my "thank yous" and boarded the vessel as fast as I can.
And that's that -- a little trial going back home -- and a "one for the road" trial going back to work -- ain't life grand!
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