Thank you 2007!

This is a bit late -- but -- I think it's never too late to greet everyone -- a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

As I watched the fireworks lit up the midnight sky at exactly 12 on New Year, I can't help but wonder about the year 2007. As of yet, it is the by far the most generous year to date. Let's do a little review what made it so.

First month into 2007, we were already expecting an angel. Mommy got pregnant and we were very happy and excited to meet the little one.

Then, just barely 3 months after, my company offered me an opportunity -- the AOTS. Although, the timing was a bit off because I wouldn't be around during the 9 preggy months -- not being able to see the baby kick while still on mommy's tummy and stuff like that, and more importantly, I wouldn't be around during the delivery.

It would still be a generous year because my baby was delivered normally. All the while -- it seemed that the signs most probably pointed out that a CS operation would more likely happen but instead it didn't. And more important, my baby was born without any physically defect or illness.

After the end of the training, just around a month after arriving, we were notified of another opportunity. It would be longer but at least, I would be able to bring my family -- wife and baby -- with me.

These would be the 3 major blessings that I am really really thankful for -- especially to the Lord. Thank you very much.

I wonder what 2008 would offer us. We will soon find out.

Happy New Year Everybody!

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