14 yr old's app

kids today, they do all the darnest things. apparently, this includes developing iPhone apps and topping the charts as the most downloaded free app in the App Store as of the moment. as an added bonus, it even topped the Angry Birds app.

as an aspiring iPhone app developer, this tells me that 1) anybody can make it in the iPhone app development business. all one needs is an idea. apparently, simple and fun ideas are the ones that are in today. 2) it doesn't matter if you are going against the big boys of the business. as it seems, everybody is on a level playing field.

even if the kid's app, Bubble Ball, can be downloaded for free, you can't discard the fact that the potential of the app is very bright. a few updates here and there and eventually add some iAds or Google Adsense. this 14 year old might be able to reach his first million before he reaches puberty.

kids today.

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