On website design

I've been surfing around the net looking for the best company to host my blog that could go with a domain name of my choice. Aside from that, it would probably host the website that I had in mind for some time now. Basically, I'm a client right about now to hosting company all over the net.

Surprisingly, I have found company websites that, at first glance, just made me say -- "No way!" One of the reasons was simply their website didn't provide that business and professional look which implied a lot of negativity in the way they would do their business.

Graphic design companies are all over the place like coffee shops -- these companies should consider getting one.

Others websites -- well -- they are all look but just that -- all look. They have these "flashy" design but I can't seem to find the information that I am really looking for.

As for these websites, maybe they need an extreme makeover and probably put on some weight on their content.

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