GPS Services

While I was in Japan, I only rode a car a few times. Well, because mostly I take the train and subway to go to where I want to go. In the few times that I rode a car -- there were a couple of things I noticed but the most outstanding was that almost all cars -- about 95% -- have a GPS system installed. Except for that one thing though, when we rented a business car, it didn't have any GPS system installed on it. Instead, one of my Japanese friend brought along a portable GPS system -- that gadget was also cool.

It made begged the question -- Why is it that this is absolutely necessary? For individuals, I guess having a GPS helps one find the right way to a certain destination. For businesses, especially those who are at the service and trucking services, I think this would really help them.

I've looked over the web and found one company that provides such service and more -- GPS Insight. For one, I think their pricing is very reasonable and affordable -- at only $1.5 - $2.0 per day per vehicle -- this is already a bargain price. With real time map updates and 2 minute vehicle locations will absolutely help a company's dispatchers know exactly which vehicle is close to a new order -- no need to call the driver for their location. Compared to other GPS Tracking services where it takes 15 minutes to release updates.

Moreover, there are intuitive and powerful reports and graphs that can provide information regarding Begin/End of day report, Fuel consumption report, idle time report etc. These reports and graphs will help a company to become even efficient and be able to save money due to minimization of identified waste. For instance, the Begin/End of day report will to identify fraudulent hours claimed by the company's drivers. The Idle Time and Fuel consumption report can help identify wasteful vehicles and driver's behavior.

If a company needs more specialized services, GPS Insight can provide Routing Optimization and Navigation Integration and even Cellphone Integration and Mapping where a simple text message one will be able to check vehicle/group locations.

One of the most important service provided is GPS Insight's customer support. 24hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year -- a company will be able to reach a technician even between 12AM to 6AM PST. They also have a FAQ section and an online support service.

For various updates regarding the company, its products and services -- GPS Insight blog is the place to go. One can even subscribe for instant notification regarding any new happenings around GPS Insight.

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