Do you have something to share?

The mix of two distinct worlds of gaming and music really stirred my interests. I play the guitar and sometimes jam with the band in gigs. The moment I heard about Guitar Hero -- I just said to myself -- I had to get that game pronto! Long story short and a $150 poorer, I finally got to hold the GH guitar for the first time and rock myself into oblivion.

Are you the type who loves to share stuff -- Places where you spent your vacation -- Gadgets that you recently bought? Then, you just have to visit acobay.

There are a lot of stuff categorized appropriately you can share and talk about. For example, if you drive a pimped Pontiac G6, you can add that car and tell the whole world about it. For instance you tell them, how you drove all over downtown and got everybody's head turning. More importantly, you can give reviews and personal opinions about the car. Come to think of it, you are indirectly giving others who are interested with a Pontiac G6 an assessment which could help them in their decisions.

Give it a try! And give others your comments and reviews about your new gadget, car, game, your recent vacation destination, etc.

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